On May 1, 2022, Singapore Immanuel Church held its Sunday Service.
Pastor Drew preached the sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:13-19, titled, “If Christ has not been raised, our teaching would be useless.” The sermon preached focused on fully believing and understanding the resurrection of Jesus, apart from meditating only on the Cross. The Cross and resurrection comes hand in hand where Christians should truly know the eternal treasures that lies beyond the present suffering. Without firm belief and understanding of resurrection, Christians would not be able to overcome their sins and present situations.
Pastor Drew exhorted the congregation to examine their hearts deeply and come to know the true hope that lies in the Resurrection. Therefore Christians should follow Christ and change their life direction towards the Lord, through meeting the resurrected Christ and knowing the Cross.
After the sermon, a sister shared her grace that she is thankful to study on resurrection and hope to meditate line by line of 1 Corinthians 15 to understand more deeply on resurrection and reveal its power in her life.
Thank God for the graceful and timely message. May God continue to work through all members’ faith in resurrection and to lead them to bear abundant fruits, more than fearing death.