Singapore Immanuel Church held the graceful Easter Retreat

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On April 7, 2023, Singapore Immanuel Church began the 2023 Easter Retreat. Pastor Drew preached the sermon on Matthew 26:31-46, entitled, ‘Rise, Let Us Go!’. The sermon focused on the Prayer in Gethsemane where the different attitudes of the Lord and Peter were contrasted. Though there was Peter’s strong will and certainty, his human weakness was shown when he ended up betraying Jesus before the rooster crowed. Peter denied Jesus three times and acted cowardly.

On the other hand, Jesus prayed with loud cries, and Peter was sleeping. It was emphasized that Christianity is not a religion for the strong, but for the weak. Though each person’s faith may feel strong, the reality is that all are weak. Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane demonstrated his weaknesses, where He did not run away from the Cross but fully relied on God. 

Pastor Drew exhorted the congregation to deeply meditate upon the absolute obedience of Jesus Christ in carrying the Cross where he thought deeply about the pain of the Father God and tried to feel the heart of God. Through understanding Jesus Christ, each one can face their own challenges in their lives and gain true strength by learning obedience in suffering. Therefore in forming a true relationship with God, each one can unite in Christ to experience resurrection. 

After the sermon, the attendees gathered together to share deeply their reflections and sought deeper that they can be the ones to comfort and give love to God in response to His love. 

May God continue to guide and bless the attendees with greater grace and bring His great work of the Holy Spirit upon them.